2. The Regulation of "George Grigoriu" 2008 music contest

The Regulation of "George Grigoriu" 2008 music contest

The Regulation of 'GEORGE GRIGORIU'
Braila, the
16th  - 18th of May 2008
Braila County Council, The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, The Union of Composers and Musicologists in Romania, The Romanian Society of Radio Broadcasting.
Period of time:
The 16th  - 18th of May 2008 in Braila Municipality, Romania
The contest purpose:
The purpose of this contest is to promote the authentic Romanian light music, to launch young voices, to encourage the valuable voices in order to integrate them in the Romanian and International light music elite.
The festival goes on under the name of George Grigoriu who is included in the Gold Book of Romanian light music.
The contest is open for young people between 16-29 years old and it goes on with orchestral accompaniment (live). The laureates from the previous edition cannot participate at the contest.
The registration in the contest:
The Contest Regulation can be found at the County Departments for Culture and Religion, the Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, the Popular Schools of Arts and Vocations, the Municipality and City Houses of Culture from all over the country, at the secretary's office of musical or non-musical higher educational institutions, at musical theatres or at www.festival-george-grigoriu.ro
The registration is done on the basis of a record which will be sent at the address of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, no. 2 Piata Traian, code 810153, Braila Municipality, Braila County, or by fax 0239-61.47.10, 61.84.67, e-mail:concurs.george.grigoriu@braila.astral.ro, or in the day the pre-selection will take place.

Romanian Competitors
The pre-selection will take place onthe 15th of March 2008 at Sile Dinicu 6 Studio of The Romanian Radio Broadcasting, starting at 10.00 o'clock in front of the Contest jury.
The persons, who do not come at the pre-selection, will lose the possibility of participating at the contest.
For the registration, the candidates will present/send (up to the pre-selection date) a file that must contain:
- copy of identity card;
- the filled in registration record;
- 2 colour artistic photos on CD.
Foreign Competitors
They must send, up to the 1st of March 2008, two songs from their personal repertory on CD at the address of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture, no. 2 Piata Traian, code 810153, Braila Municipality, Braila County, Romania, for 'George Grigoriu International Contest'.
The songs will be listened by the pre-selection jury.
The competitors will also send on CD:
- copy of Identity Card;
- the filled in registration record;
- 2 colour artistic photos.
The registration fee for the Romanian competitors is of 50 RON and it will be paid in the pre-selection day.
The accommodation, the meal and the transport costs during the pre-selection will be borne by the competitors. 
The registration fee for the foreign competitors is of 15 Euro and it will be transferred to the bank account: Beneficiar: Centrul Judetean pentru Conservarea si Promovarea Culturii Traditionale Braila
Banca beneficiarului: RAIFFEISEN BANK ROMANIA -Sucursala Braila
Str. Calea Calarasilor nr.34
Contul beneficiarului : R005RZBR0000060007466781
Banca Corespondenta : RZB VIENA
The Contest Running:
At the pre-selection, a number of 20 competitors will be selected by the jury.
The order in which the competitors will enter in the contest is decided by drawing of lots. The competitors will follow the organizers' indications regarding the rehearsals and the going in the contest.
The Repertory
Romanian Competitors
Each competitor has to prepare, for the pre-selection and for the contest, 2 songs of light music from the recognized Romanian repertory from which one song should belong to the composer George Grigoriu. The repertory of George Grigoriu composer can be found on the contest web page or directly at the County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture on CD or paper. Personal compositions are not accepted.
Foreign Competitors
Each competitor will sing:
- a song from their personal repertory, selected by the jury from the 2 songs sent for the pre-selection;
- a song written by George Grigoriu. The repertory of George Grigoriu composer can be found on the contest web page or directly at the County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture on CD or paper.
The foreign competitors' songs instrumentation for the contest can be done by own means and transmitted to the organizer up to the 15th of March 2008.
The orchestra that assures the accompaniment is formed of: acoustic piano, keyboards, drums, percussion, guitar, lead guitar, bass guitar, saxophone, (alto or soprano).
The organizer can also assure the instrumentation only if the competitor sends both the title and tonality of the chosen song from George Grigoriu repertory up to the 15th of March 2008.
The Competitors Obligations are:
- to respect the provisions of the contest regulation;
- to sign contracts of cession the broadcasting rights settled by the organizers;
- the Laureates who are not present at the Prize Awarding Ceremony are going to be disqualified;
- any break of these obligations leads to the unappealable exclusion from the contest.
The Organizers Obligations are:
- to organize and make available the music hall and the rehearsal spaces necessary for the festival;
- to assure a proper run of the pre-selection and their objectivity;
- to assure the security and the protection during the festival, including during the rehearsals;
- to assure the silence for the contest running by interdicting the press and photo reporters from entering in the stage wings, except for the authorized television and radio;
- to assure the accuracy of votes for the partial and final results;
-  to assure the prizes.
The Jury is formed of Romanian light music personalities, of the Union of Composers and Musicologists' members, of radio and TV editors, and of local cultural personalities. The jury votes are unappellable. The jury member that founds his students in the competitors list can no longer vote for this competitor. He will receive the average of the other jury members' grades. The grades and the final results are confidential and are made public only on the Laureates Celebration stage.  
George Grigoriu Trophy - Volkswagen Passat. George Grigoriu Trophy is assigned in kind to the winner artist on the basis of a sponsorship agreement or corporate patronage agreement concluded directly between the winner and the sponsor because the organizers' interest is that the Trophy to be due exclusively to the performer declared winner and not to be the object of dividing between the Artist and his collaborators, as for instance: manager, agent, record label, producer. Consequently, the car will be granted directly to the artist declared winner and will be registered exclusively on the artist's name, thus becoming his personal asset.
I Prize - 2.500
II Prize -
III Prize - 1500
3 mentions of 500
The Prize of the Union of Composers and Musicologists in Romania - 400
The amounts are taxable. In case of equal value competitors, they will receive ex - aequo prizes.
In case some sponsors want to offer prizes; the organizers reserve the right to communicate the changes in the number of prizes.
The competitors that do not obtain a prize will receive a participation diploma.
The competitors will cover the transport expenditure.
The organizers assure meal and accommodation for the competitors.
For further details please contact the organisers at (40) (0239) 61.47.10, or 61.84.67, e-mail concurs.george.grigoriu@braila.astral.ro, centrul_creatie@portal-braila.ro