
In data de 7.02.2006 a avut loc vizita pe teren a Consortiului OVE ARUP & Partners LTD, avand calitatea de Asistenta Tehnica (AT) contractata de Ministerul Integrarii Europene in cadrul Programului Phare CES 2005-2006.
Cu aceasta ocazie s-au discutat principalele probleme tehnice, financiare si logistice privind implementarea proiectului si s-au pus la dispozitia AT toate documentele necesare pentru realizarea Proiectului Tehnic si a Caietului de Sarcini in vederea organizarii procedurilor de licitatie pentru atribuirea contractului de lucrari.

Executive Summary ( SUMAR EXECUTIV)

Title of the project
Location of the project
Total eligible costs
Aim of the project (objectives & justification)
According to the national, regional and county strategies, the general objective of the project is: « Improvement of the county and regional business infrastructure in order to determine economic growth and sustainable development of Braila County, generating a favorable framework for the extension of the local business and foreign investors, as well as maximizing the number of jobs and increasing their durability.”.
Specific objectives are: Development of a marketing centre as a strategic objective for sustainable economic development of Braila County and 2 SE Region; - Facilitation of business environment development, especially based on high technologies, and increase of competitive level and access to enhanced market; - Facilitation of foreign investments; - Creation of new jobs and development of the human resources.
Target groups & market study findings
•Local and foreign companies running in advanced technologies sectors, which want to promote and launch new products on the market; • Qualified human resources from the South-East Region; •Local authorities from Braila county and South-East Region, CRM-UP representing a strategic objective for economic development
Technical data of the works (land ownership, site data, utilities connections)
The major output of the project consists of the Regional Marketing Centre for Units of Production - RMC-UP that will represent a coherent assembly of endowment, activities and techniques aimed to:
  • comprehend the specific requirements of the market, costumers and producers
  • dynamic connection of the enterprises to economic and social environment
  • organize and monitor of the economic processes in order to maximize the economic efficiency and the profit
The land from the proposed location belongs to the public domain of Braila County Council (G.D. no.2087/2004). The Regional Marketing Centre will be made of mono-block construction with a modern and flexible architecture, which will be connected to the urban networks and will permit further connection of the implanted companies to the urban networks alimentation through centralized sockets or plugs.
Estimated physical outputs (quantified indicators)
The overall arranged surface of the RMC-UP is 1 ha with possibility of extension up to 40 ha.
The Feasibility Study is about construction and modernization works for the followings issues:
  • Roads (7 km modernization; 10 km new access road) and platforms
  • Water supply system and sewerage (PEHD; PVC-G; water management system Vn = 339 mc; purifying station – V= 54,0 mc)
  • Gas system (from DISTRIGAZ)
  • Power system (from ELECTRICA; transformer; plug centre)
  • Telecommunication network (optical fiber; central socket)
  • Edifice for administrative headquarters:
Overall construction surface: 2995,36 mp; Utile surface : 2898,00 mp
- Ground floor (show-room; conference hall; production & business incubation halls; information and monitoring office; marketing consultancy offices; administrative spaces; restaurants; toilets, wardrobe, warehouse): 2383,00 mp
-Partial First floor (representative offices, toilets, wardrobe, warehouse): 612,36 mp
  • Complementary arrangements of ecological protection, environment protection, allotments, parceling, tree-draped surrounding, green spaces; gate cabin
Main activities from the project
• Project launching and promoting; • Achievement of studies / technical design necessary for the implementation of project; •Public procurement procedure for construction works; •Execution of the construction and rehabilitation works regarding the Regional Marketing Centre for Units of Production; •Preparation of the investment deployment ; •Achievement of strategic partnership for business development; •Surveillance of the construction works; •Providing surveillance reports to the TA; •General management of the project; • Financial management and the audit
Duration of project
Duration of construction works: 20 months
Estimated results and project impact (quantified indicators)
Estimated quantity indicators:
New jobs (about 200 jobs direct and indirect jobs), from which:
  • 30-35 temporary jobs in constructions, during the project implementation
  • 45 direct jobs – the operational staff of RMC-UP (15 professionals, 30 auxiliary)
  • 100-120 jobs relative to the implanted companies;
Beneficiaries of marketing consultancy: 300 firms in the first year of activity;
Implanted units of production:
  • 10 companies in the first year;
  • 30 companies in the first 5 years;
RMC-UP’s surface occupied by the production units: 40 ha after three years; 100 – 150 ha after 5 years
Estimated quality indicators:
  • human resources qualification: the training courses organized by the RMC-UP will increase the qualification of about 100 trainees in the first year
  • quality of marketing services: the RMC-UP will provide professional marketing consultancy / research /analysis
  • quality of produces / services: the RMC-UP consultancy will help assisted companies to improve the quality of services / produces together with their image
  • quality of market / market niche: the companies assisted by the RMC-UP will access much more qualitative markets or could create market niche
  • quality of business climate: development of business infrastructure generates the increase of the business climate quality
NPV = 3.984.530 Euro; IRR = 9,15 % ; Discount rate = 5%; Investment = 7.484.985 Euro; Annual surplus= 1.024.910 Euro; Rate of profitability=9,71%; Investment term of return= 10,3 years; C/B=0,48; ERR =27,21%; ENPV = 27.186.540 EUR ;
Environmental impact
In compliance with the pre-approval issued by the Agency for Environment Protection, the current intervention is categorized as “Project with low impact to environment” (these kinds of projects are submitted at more simple procedures and the EIM is not necessary). Assuming the above mentioned, during the implementation time, the project management team will keep a permanent connection with the civil society concerning the environment protection.
Experience with similar projects & management capacity
Examples of similar infrastructure projects developed by the Braila County Council, in the last 3 years:
- Rehabilitation Works for the School from Cazasu Village – Main applicant
- Rehabilitation Works for the Scholar Group form Insuratei Town – Main Applicant
- Consolidation Works for the Edifice of “Panait Istrati” County Library , situated in 4, Polygon Square and in 3, Belvedere St, Braila City- Main Applicant
- Social Centre for Temporary Hosting of Young People with Disabilities – Main Applicant
- Works of Rehabilitation and Modernization for the Hospital of Obstetrics and Ginecology - Main Applicant